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January, 2024

PASC-funded researchers, including our collaborator Rubén Cabezón, have unlocked access to LUMI-G, Europe's cutting-edge pre-Exascale supercomputer, to tackle the enigma of the role of turbulence and gravity in star formation. Their groundbreaking SPH-EXA simulation code and interdisciplinary collaboration earned them a remarkable allocation of 22 million GPU hours, the largest in Europe to date, marking a major milestone in astrophysical research. This achievement promises to reveal new insights into pre-stellar masses distribution, the theory of turbulence, and the future of Exascale simulations. Read more here.


The night sky in a supercomputer.
May, 2023

Looking into space is the same as looking into the universe’s past. Researchers aim to decode some of its biggest mysteries – using the world’s most advanced radio observatory. Swiss researchers are also part of the international effort – they form a national consortium known as SKACH. A team made up of staff from the University of Basel, the University of Zurich and the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre in Lugano is part of that consortium, and their project, known as SPH-EXA (Optimizing Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Exascale Computing) brings together cutting-edge research in astrophysics and computer science. Read more here.
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